I would like to start by saying Thank You to all the Challenge Hosts and their DT's for all the work they put into challenges. I am awed and inspired by DT projects and I have purchased many products based on those projects. I appreciate the time you take to comment on my little projects, you are truly uplifting and encouraging even though I am obviously a novice.
I hope that my comments will be read in the spirit in which they are offered. An explanation of sorts. I am directing my comments to Challenge Hosts and DT's in case there are some out there that have been offended by the number of challenges I enter for a single project.
I stumbled onto a discussion the other day regarding the number of challenges people enter and I was a little taken aback by the tone of the discussion. I am one of "those" crafters lol. I LOVE to enter challenges and since I usually have 1 card per week, I try to enter my card in as many challenges as I can. Not because of greed, I enter challenges where there are no prizes offered. Of the Challenges that do have a prize I have only won a handful and of those, I can't recall any one card winning more than one challenge, regardless of the number of challenges entered. I enter because I love the feeling of participating with all the real artist out there. You are my peers. The fact that any of you take the time to look at my little contribution is a joy to me.
During the discussion regarding challenges, one DT said she didn't even want to leave a comment on one project because of the large number of challenges entered and she didn't feel the project met the criteria. Personally, I have tried to be more careful about reading guidelines. In the past, I too have missed something that disqualified my card. I never intentionally want to waste any ones time. It takes a LONG time to link all those challenges and I truly only want to participate in the ones my project qualifies for. And please, regardless of your DT obligations, if you are offended by the number of challenges I enter or anything else about my project, do not feel obligated to comment, in fact I would rather you didn't.
I am in no way advocating that all challenges be open without guidelines. To the contrary, I think participants should be good guests and read and respect the rules. There are some challenge blogs that place limits on the number of combined challenges and those limits should be respected.
I could never get a straight answer as to why entering multiple challenges was considered "ridiculous" and I asked nicely. Why is it wrong? Why is it a problem? Why is a certain number "too many"? I was really curious about their opinions, but no one would give me a direct answer. I got "Well..you do it your way and I'll do it mine" or "It's my Opinion" or "Personally, I think it's too many". But that never really answered my question.
It was never my intention to become one of "those" crafters. I thought people put challenges out there because they wanted participants. Many of the themes are exactly the same. I truly fail to see the harm or why it is so frowned upon. I will continue on my merry way entering in those challenges that will have me LOL. To the Challenge Hosts and their DT's, if I have not told you before, let me say now I TRULY appreciate each of you. Thank you for inviting me and other crafters of all skill levels to your blog home, offering us a chair at the table and letting us share with you.
Thanks for reading my very long post and as always.. Thanks for looking.